Friday, January 20, 2012

So You're a Christian? That's...Interesting.

I get the feeling (correct me if I'm wrong) that polyamorous Christians are something of a rarity. I'm not talking about the Mormon God-says-I-should-have-5-wives variety, of which there are a few. That is something else entirely and something that I'm not sure I agree with. I mean those who have relationships in which all partners have an equal say. This gets sticky when you come to secondary and tertiary relationships, but my point is that they are not relationships centered around the male controlling or dominating the relationship dynamic. I would argue that even M/S* relationships are 'equal' - you have to actively give your autonomy over to another person in order to be controlled so completely. And all things being equal, there are negotiated boundaries, rules, safewords* etc which make this an equal power exchange rather than a forced power removal. But I think that's a post for another time.

My point (lost in there somewhere) is that there are few Christians who practice polyamory, as I define it. The majority of the community seems to be a mix of atheist, Pagan, Buddhist and those with varying spiritual beliefs. Is Christianity so incompatible with this lifestyle/sexuality? Obviously, as a Christian, I don't believe so. But I do think that there is such an emphasis (implicit or otherwise) on conforming to the norm which is perpetuated through churches and religious upbringings that living an alternative life seems challenging and alien, if not downright impossible. Alternative people can find themselves cast out of their church, disowned by their families and stigmatised for simply living and loving differently. 

I believe there is a fundamental incompatibility between this behaviour and the teachings of the New Testament (Old is a bit different). I've always understood the main goal of Christians is to be more like Christ. I don't think that's an overly-controversial statement and I think a fair few Christians would agree with me on that, even if they have issue with my choices. I'm also fairly sure that Christ was fairly big on love and acceptance, even for those outcasts in society. Say, like whores and lepers? So, if Christ were physically present here and now, do you really think He'd turn away from people who were loving (physically, romantically, whatever) more than one person, where all parties were fully aware and consenting? I don't think so.

If He would, then I'm in the wrong religion.

M/S - Master/Slave. A form of BDSM relationship in which one person gives over all autonomy to the other.
Safewords - Employed within the BDSM community between people who play together, whether casually or as part of a committed relationship. Used by the submissive to signal discomfort, distress, and a desire to stop. When someone safewords, you stop what you're doing immediately. Doing otherwise gives you a very bad reputation and may lead to being barred from certain clubs.

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