Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hi, I'm Isobel, and that's not my real name.


I'm Isobel. Nice to meet you.
Except that my name isn't really Isobel, and I am doing the cyber equivalent of putting a letter in a bottle and throwing it out to sea, on the off-chance that someone may pick it up. If you've found my letter, then hello. Welcome.

There are thousands and thousands of blogs. I'm not really sure I have anything new to add to the noise. As so many do, I feel the urge to write. What I have to say may or may not be interesting, it may rarely be relevant, but it is mine. Why write? Because I need to. I need to talk to someone, and the internet is as good as anyone.
I believe it's traditional to say what a blog is about. I haven't fully formed my plans yet, but I an give you a rough outline if that suits. In order for it to make sense though, I think I should give you, dear anonymous reader, some background information.

I'm in my mid-20s (and wow is that scary to write). I suppose that I'm a grown-up. I live and work in Washington, DC, but I was born and raised in England. Sometimes, when it's windy and raining in DC, I like to pretend that I'm back in the UK. I am the eldest of four children and I miss my family daily. I am an idealist and a dreamer. More pertinently to the subject matter of this blog, I am also polyamorous. And kinky. And Christian. And I am proud of all of those things. I have a girlfriend, Minx, and a boyfriend, Hermit, who are happily married to each other. I'll give the history sometime but the potted version is that some months ago, they decided to open their marriage up and welcome me as family. They have a beautiful child, who I adore.
We are all currently closeted to the majority of the world. My family knows. Many of my friends in the UK know. Very few people in the US have been told. There are a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is the risk of losing the child. The second of which is losing our jobs. I work with very young children, and both Minx and Hermit work closely with the church. These are not good professions in which to flaunt one's deviancy.
I do not cope well with being in the closet. It doesn't suit me.

This blog is somewhere where I don't have to be closeted - I can talk to you about my loves without fear of one of us being disowned, or losing friends or employment because we have more love in our lives than is usually accepted. This blog is also for my own interests, to chronicle this most amazing, terrifying adventure that we have embarked on together.
Some of it might even make sense.


  1. The link to your blog was posted on a UK poly list by a friend of yours so your bottle has travelled far and wide already. Sounds like things are going well for you apart from the fear and secrecy caused by your wish to remain closeted. it seems strange in an age when gay men and lesbian women are marrying and raising children that it's now poly people who feel the need to be closeted.

  2. Things are pretty good, thank you :) We have our ups and downs, but what relationship doesn't?
    It is odd to me that if I were just in a relationship with Minx we could live largely without concern. Add someone else into the mix and apparently we're at risk of losing the child and our jobs...On a purely academic level, I'm interested to see how/if society adapts to poly folk!

  3. I am also a 20 something year old Christian in a polyamorous relationship in DC and i would love to chat with you possibly meet your triad with my partners. We are new to this however we know what we want and desire. For me just like anything in the world when curiosity strikes i go on a google search binge to do research. Ive been researching for some years now and if i want to do something i want to do it right. And i want this to work out. I love both of my partners and vice versa. We would love friends, guidance and advice. I am also African so maybe that cultural similarity could help me out. I am a real persom just looking for guidance in life. I stumbled across your blog and i think you would be perfect if you are open to it. I havent fully read your entire blog but i plan on doing so.
    Please get back to me when you have a chance i would really love an opportunity to interact with you.
    Hopefully thanking you in advance.

    A little bit about us. I have been in love with my best friend for 4 years now without actually knowing it. We called one another soulmates friends because i felt she was my soulmate but maybe we have to stay friends because thats what everyone knows. We have been living an almost polyamorous life without knowing it for 2 and a half years now. I got into a relationship with a woman who loves me so much she is not threatened or ever was by my relationship with my best friend. In fact she has always been openly curious. The first time anything happened sexually there was apprehension because boundaries had not been discussed so obviously there was some awkwardness but we all enjoyed it and remained happy afterwards. There has never been any awkwardness. I just know it is more than a sexual thing. We spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally and sexual connect to one another
    We recently opened up to one another and decided to bring my best friend into our relationship cementing what alrwady was without a title. We love one another and want the absolute best and growth for the other.
    I am very much in love and not in scales of comparisons but unconditional love for my partners. We are in our early 20s and this life is very comfortable to our self standards and we want to begin to do this the proper way.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  4. I did not connect an email to accept tour response. I just posted above you reply here and it will come to my email. Thank you.
