Monday, January 23, 2012

My Failure to Find a Coat

It's not all talking and sex, you know.

Half the time, poly life is just...well, life. This weekend, whilst being filled with more Emotional Conversations(tm) and me being ill also included a shopping trip, watching more youtube clips than should legally be permitted in one evening and childcare.

The shopping trip was partially successful. I obtained a pair of jeans that do not make me look like a man! As someone with a fairly slim upper body and some pretty substantial hips, I have problems finding jeans that fit. If they fit my hips, they're often baggy around my waist. If they fit my waist, I usually struggle to get them past my thighs. So I tend to resort to what is commonly known as 'the boyfriend fit' style of jeans. They are comfortable, usually fit me, but have the downside of making me look slightly masculine. This is not something I'm averse to - I enjoy androgyny, but not every single day. At long last, I have found a pair that make it clear I do have hips! AND a waist! And legs :D
Alas, the primary purpose of the shopping trip was so I could find a winter coat that Hermit is not ashamed to be seen with me while wearing. That's a slight exaggeration. Though my love does not always appreciate my somewhat 'unique' dress sense, I don't think I've ever made him ashamed to be seen with me. Despite this, my current winter coat is an ex-German Navy officer's coat, kindly donated by my father (no, he's not the ex-German Naval officer, he's a man who likes military surplus stores). Whilst warm and perfect for the DC winter, it makes me look like a bag lady. Or a man. I wanted something smart that I could wear when we go out, or go to church. No luck :( Unlike the UK where one could conceivably wear a winter coat all year round and only get slightly too warm in August, DC has much more defined seasons which apparently affects the items of clothing on sale. There were about 10 coats that looked warm enough, all of which were either too big, too small, or just not my style. I am tempted to give up on the coat shopping as it will be spring soon, and just keep with the Naval coat for the time being.
Then I found this...which is beautiful, but pricey. And may also be too small for me but I have no tape-measure so can't tell.

Sadly, you're not getting anything more interesting tonight. I am still ill :( I spent most of Sunday asleep and can't remember a word of the conversation Hermit and I had on Sunday morning before he, Minx and the child went to church and I went back to bed.

Oh, I did make delicious brownie and delicious soup today :D In terms of culinary experiences, today has been a good one!


  1. Have you discovered Desigual clothing? I think some of their coats might be your style =)

    1. I have, actually! I even have one of their totally awesome coats that my mum bought for me last Christmas :D It's not hugely warm though :(
