Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moderate Atheists?

Moderate Atheists.
I know some exist. I am personally acquainted with a few of them :) The internet, however, appears to be full of the other, extremist variety.

Let me make it clear now. I have no issue or problem with atheism. If you don't believe in God or any of Her (many) permutations, that's cool. I will even engage with you in reasonable discussion (note: discussion not screaming argument) on the merits of our separate world views.
I wish also to acknowledge that other religious types don't always cover themselves in glory. Telling atheists that they're going to go to hell, or screaming about damnation or the sanctity of marriage or whatever is also not a reasonable discussion. Indeed, when I read things like this I wonder exactly where Jesus and God are in these people's lives. That scares me far more than hardline atheism. 

That being said, the internet atheists are often unwilling to discuss anything. It's hard to have a reasonable discussion with someone who's main argument is that you believe in 'fairy stories' or declare that they despise all religion. Really? That's your idea of an adult discussion? Finding the other person's views so utterly threatening that you do the cyber equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming at the top of your lungs? This discussion is not one where we are ever going to persuade each other of the truth of our personal beliefs. It just isn't. I accept that. I'd like for you, hypothetical atheist, to do the same so we can learn more about each other rather than engage in a mud-slinging contest.

For the record, though, you will always win. No, I cannot produce any empirical evidence as to the existence of God. That's kind of the opposite of why I believe what I do. Neither will I belittle your views and tell you that you're just wrong, too scared to believe in what you cannot see, touch or prove through science. I won't argue with you about this. I don't see the point.
So, I guess, you win. Congratulations. I'll just go about my daily business, having faith in something greater than myself and praying to my imaginary friend.
She thinks you're awesome, by the way.

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