Thursday, February 2, 2012

Moving for your Poly Family

First off, I have a post up on Polytical! It's discussing in more depth why my polyamorous lifestyle is not at odds with my Christianity, and you can click here to check it out. I like Polytical. I like what it does, I like the variety of authors and I find it an easy to navigate site. If they'll have me, I'd like to do some more work for them. I will keep you posted :)

One of the reasons I didn't have a post up yesterday is because I got some wonderful, and somewhat unexpected news. Brown University would like to interview me!  I applied there for a PhD place at the beginning of the year. I wasn't really expecting to hear from them, but I have! They're interested! Can you tell I'm excited?! I'm going up later in the month to meet the faculty, have my interview and see some of the city. Aside from a lot of congratulations and excitement, this has prompted a lot of conversation between myself, Hermit, and Minx. And an argument. And more conversation. The argument is still quietly happening and it's actually more about my reluctance to talk when I'm tired than anything else. The conversation is about a huuuge question. Do we move?

Brown is in Providence, RI. We are currently in Washington, DC. Hermit and Minx both have jobs there that they would be happy keeping past August. The little one is at school here. We have a church, we know the area and we're comfortable if not happy here. If I get offered a place at either Maryland or Hopkins, the other two schools I've applied to, should we not just write Brown off and stay close to where we are? I had been assuming (because I'm an idiot) that both Minx and Hermit would much prefer to stay in the DC area. Apparently, this is not the case. Staying in DC has it's advantages. Then again, so does moving. It would be further away from Minx's family which is increasingly a positive, the cost of living is low, Providence gets snow and it's closer to a best friend. There is also at least one kindergarden that has a Spanish immersion programme, which is important for the child. As far as I'm concerned, Brown is an excellent school and the programme I'm applying to looks fantastic. I am very excited about going up there and seeing if it's as great as it feels.

Is it worth moving for though? I've half been hoping that they rejected me outright because then it wouldn't hurt if I had to go elsewhere. I'm excited. Thrilled. Amazed that an Ivy League wants to interview me. Very excited about the possibility of moving. And feeling so loved that my poly family will incorporate my dreams into their plans so that we can stay together. A year ago, life was bittersweet. I'd found a man I loved more than I thought I could...but he was leaving my country in April and I didn't know if I'd ever see him again. Now we are in the same city, I'm in a wonderful relationship with his wife and we are all contemplating where we should move to for my schooling. Life's a funny thing.


  1. I'm so happy and excited for you! I hope the interview goes well and everything works out awesomely! =)

  2. Charlie, thank you! I'll keep you updated :D

    I'm glad it was helpful, though I wasn't so much being informative and useful as talking to myself :)
