Friday, February 3, 2012

Ok, You Win. I'm Delusional.

There has been something of a debate on a Facebook polyamory group following the posting of my piece for Polytical. I am surprisingly surprised by this. I was reminded by Hermit that polyamory is not known for being theologically friendly. This makes me sad :( Why is it thus?

More to the point, why does yet another atheist decide to tell me all the ways in which I am doing my religion wrong? Seriously, I get enough of that from people who actually believe in the same god as me. I'm not knocking his beliefs. I don't know the guy, I haven't had his life, I don't understand his world view. I have no right to tell him he's wrong. On the same coin though, he has no right to tell me I'm wrong. I wasn't trying to convert anyone with my post, I wasn't even saying that this is the right way of doing either Christianity or polyamory. I was saying that it is my way. I feel totally unable to defend myself. I don't want to out myself by claming authorship on the Facebook group, and the two people attacking my views are probably more familiar with the Bible than I am. For all my Christianity...the Bible and I have a tough relationship. I have no sound theological argument upon which to base my defence other than I love my God, and my God loves me. Luckily, this is why I am with a theological scholar. Hermit has posted a better defence than I could ever come up with...

Seriously though, why are so many people who are, by definition, open-minded enough to cope with, seek-out and thrive upon multiple relationships unable to cope with other people's declarations of faith? It feels like a red rag to a bull. State you have a religion other than paganism on a poly forum or group and someone will jump on you from a great height. On the other hand, there have been more people defending my views or even thanking them for me than telling me I'm delusional, which is pretty cool :D Maybe I'm over-exaggerating the issue. It just feels that way sometimes.

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