Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Family Pride

We went to DC Pride this weekend! It was fantastic fun, especially the parade on Saturday, We left the house kind of early and walked down with Child in the stroller. She fell asleep on the walk, which was nice as she stayed sleeping when we got to the parade route and picked out somewhere to sit, so Hermit, Minx and I got some time to be grown-ups together. The parade itself was loooong! It took a couple of hours and some of the organisations there confused me a bit (HSBC? You're a gay company now?). I do understand that they were showing their support but was a bit cynical about the whole thing until Minx kindly explained to me that at least some of the companies there probably had very strict anti-discrimination policy, which is a huge thing in a country in parts of which it is still legal to fire someone for being gay. So you go, HSBC! Protect your gay employees and come to Pride! Of course, there were the obligatory drag queens and semi-naked men and women...mostly men. Though there was a decidedly attractive woman on a motorbike right at the beginning who had nothing covering her breasts but her girlfriend's hands, who was sitting on the back of the bike. I enjoyed that. There was also a float themed on the British Olympics! Yay Britain! It was for the DC Aqua Club so there were lots of men wearing speedos with the Union Jack on them. I didn't quite see the connection, but one of the barely-clad men kindly explained that it was really just a theme that had something to do with swimming. Oh, and the had the Queen there too! She'd put on a bit of weight and looked distinctly more masculine than I remember, but her wave was very regal so it must have been her.

One of the things that I enjoyed more than anything else about the parade was Minx. I always enjoy her of course, but she was so affectionate. She's not one for conflict (meaning she'll do almost anything to avoid it), to the extent that she will not do something she really wants to, just in case a random passer-by is offended or bothered by it. This sometimes extends to being physically affectionate with me in public - it's not that she isn't, it's that she's more subtle about it. It decreases even more when we're all out a a family. She was distinctly uncomfortable about even going to the parade, but she pushed herself through it and even held my hand for most of the walk their :D Even in front of non-gay strangers! She was so brave about it, and it meant a lot to me. And at the end of the parade, when the Child was looking elsewhere, she pulled me in and gave me a wonderful kiss. Which I don't think she has ever done, in public, when we're very obviously part of a familial group. It gave me a lovely warm fuzzy feeling :) I am very proud of my darling lady :)

OH! And Hermit flirted with a guy :D it was awesome and he was brave and not at all creepy (something he worries about). So I am proud of him too!

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